Ah... le fromage !!

Publié le par Bettizpod

Apparently some of you are quite curious about cheese as a French speciality, le fromage français !

It’s true that we have so many sorts of cheese that even me (greatly addicted to cheese) cannot provide you the whole list of cheese we can find in France.

I think that oversea the most famous cheese we have is “ camembert ” or maybe “brie”.

(Camembert is the one I prefer
! ), but we also have du Cantal, du Comté, du Crotin de Chavignol, du Gruyère, du Pont Levèque, du Rouy, de la Concoillotte, … , and I can keep on listing like that during a long long time, and as I told you I don’t even know all the sorts we have…!!

I’ve found this link if you’re interested in knowing all sorts (or almost!) : to Wikipedia

Plus I don’t even talk about the brands, because you in some supermarkets you can count at least 10 sortes de Camembert, 10 sortes de fromage de chèvre, 5 sortes de Gruyère, etc etc…

Someone asked me how to produce French cheese, if I can give the “recette” :) I’m sorry guy but frankly I really don’t believe that you and I are able to make cheese and that’s terribly unfortunate!

Maybe you can try to make something like “fresh cheese” but you can’t just try to cook cheese I mean real cheese as you can find in the “fromageries”, supermarkets, farms,…(Hey Frenchies if I’m wrong please tell us how to do because I really would love to make some!)

Depending of the area in some country towns you can find very special cheese produced in small quantity, not even enough to be exported. These sorts of cheese are produced by farmers with their own cattle and taste particularly strong, natural and good because they have not been altereted by the industrial interventions. That’s why if you have the chance to visit France and not only Paris you’ll taste some amazing french food, and french cheese which deserve to be tasted!

Here are some pictures of our most famous french fromages :)

undefined                          undefined
         Brie de Meaux                                                        Comté

   undefined                                undefined
                      Cantal                                                                 Camembert

Some people are annoying by the strong odour of cheese, they say that it smells like feet or I don’t know what else… But when you will try it, and if you like the taste of it, you’ll never say again that the odour is bad or too strong !

If you have some additional questions about cheese, don’t hesitate to drop me a line, I’ll be glad to give you more details. This topic is so vast that I don’t know what you would like to learn about it… But if you have any questions or suggestions it will allow me to enrich this article !

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Merci pour cet article! C'est utile pour moi. je n'aime pas des fromages mais au moins, je sais comment il semble. It really smells like rotten fish :-S
lol, I've never heard that it smells like rotten fish...! :) Why not... But fortunately the odour don't go with the flavour :) You have to taste some different kind of cheese, maybe you'll find one that you like :)